Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hand Holding

New (ish) lyrics:

In moments of ecstasy
Lovers call each others names
One last blessing
It's a blessing
To who they were before they merged
Into this

Find me here
Find me here
Find me here
You won't find me here

Monday, April 16, 2012

'I'm the boss of me. That includes my armpits'

'I'm the boss of me. That includes my armpits'

'I will not be a prisoner of my own sweat'

Apparently this is how 'strong women' feel about deodorant. Oh how I love lady-centric advertising, It's like they took the words right out of Amelia Earheart's mouth! If Gertrude Stein wrote ad copy! (the one below has a picture of a pregnant lady next to it but didn't screen grab her in time)